Saturday, April 16, 2011

More Pics of Alex

Alex with his Mario Bros. pj's. Love this picture.
This is the quilt Alex slept under every night and took home with him.

Retreating Again

I haven't posted for two weeks, but I've been gone quilting most of that time. This picture is from our Happy Scraper Dry Creek retreat. I think this is one of my favorite retreats. It's quiet, very pretty, and free from phone and Internet ( which is tough at times). I worked on my 9 patch quilt and finished 2 more SBS blocks. I also did the binding on Emily's quilt, so it's all done.

Some of my fellow quilters.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I wasn't sure if I posted a finished for this quilt. This comes under the binding finishes. I'm now working on the big binding job, then I have a lap quilt to bind and I'll have that many finished. Coming along, even though I didn't get much done while Alex was here. Spent time with him instead.

A visit with Alex

We had Alex for a week during his spring break. We went to the park every day he was here and he made lots of friends. We went to the library to get more to read. He went biking with his Paw Paw and Paw Paw showed him how to air his tires. My favorite part of his visit was reading before bedtime. We would pile on my bed and read lots of books. Of course that's Mimi.

I got some pictures the day I picked up Alex an got to see Aidan and Andrew too.