Saturday, November 1, 2014

Progress on the A.d.d bout

I reported how I had come to a stand still with my quilting, so I got busy.  First what all I had going in the sewing room.

New applique or small cats, 

Love these small cats
Happy Scrappy signature so far

My little baskets

Basket ready for  machine appliqué

After focusing on just working on the signature quilt, I got the top done.  I will be making the back soon so I can get it quilted.  I think it will be an awesome retreat quilt.
Finished top Signature quilt
My next top to work is the X scrappy quilt, which I'm really anxious to finish.  I'm liking that a lot and want to work on it.  I need to make a list of the next obligations I have.

I did take off and go to the 40 yr. annual Houston Quilt Show.  I enjoyed it and saw some wonderful red and white quilt, remakes of those from the exhibit in New York.

Here's a taste of what I saw, it was wonderful!

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