Monday, September 1, 2014

Catching Up

Thought it about time to do some posting and catching up on activities.  I have been fairly active in my sewing, but doing that instead of the blogging.  I went to a great retreat and got just a few pictures. As you can see we are quite busy.
View from my machine

A block I thought I'd try

An inspiring quilt, I love it.
I've been making progress on Ole Blue, I've named it and am putting on borders now.  I tried it on the bed and it is getting very big.  I worried about the inner border last night and will revisit that before adding any more to the quilt.
Border choice 

Ole Blue put together in barn raising setting

 I took a class after the retreat and set up my Featherweight in the dining room to keep on sewing instead of mixing it with the blue quilt.  I enjoy this machine so much.  I liked having the machine set up to sew on when John was still asleep, however he wasn't crazy about the idea.  Still I keep on sewing and got the inside pieces made.  Now on to the design wall trying to set it together.
Set up to sew

I got very comfortable after a while
Meanwhile, I have been looking at what seemed like so much chaos in my sewing room and in an effort to make myself more comfortable, I tried to rearrange, sort and so on.  Progress so far.
New containers to hide collections

Refolded chunks of material for easier access
I've cut a kit from two layer cakes that will be spring like to me.  I want to take this to retreat in Ala. in a few weeks.  Of course keeping up with scrap cutting pieces.  Started a log cabin for my niece as a Leader, ender.  I worked on Scrappy X blocks to fun sew between putting Ole Blue rows together.  I've also been straightening some of the wire baskets.  I have enjoyed myself and made tiny bits of progress and this and that.  I guess sewing doesn't necessarily have to have big finishes.  Oh also have been making backs to get some of the quilts laying around quilted.  Till next time

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