Sunday, September 8, 2013

Current on going projects in my sewing room

I've going into sewing room much more frequently.  It's been a real treat.  In an effort to organize scraps I landed on several projects to use the scraps and found other projects I had tried years ago..
An apple core I cut a long time ago, now re cutting and using stamp to mark.  I'll be hand sewing this.

The smaller pieces folded and placed in colors and 
the larger pieces folded and layered on top.  Only One drawer of many, but you got to start somewhere.

Cassie, my daughter in law, asked for a black and white with pink quilt.  I've cut the squares so far.  I'll use my go cutter to cut the stripes for the sashing.

Progress on Alex's quilt
My working progress

Lotto block for the Sept. meeting

Finished rosettes hexies so far
So as you can see, I've been doing this and that, but getting there on many.

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